b'R I A D E L E E , R B G B M A T C K L R R A N U N S R R I E E R L T U B P E E E E N SBig Sky Economic Development Corporation Big Sky Economic Development CorporationSTATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIESYEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 Preliminary YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 PreliminaryWithoutWith WithoutWithDonorDonor DonorDonorRestrictionsRestrictionsTotal RestrictionsRestrictionsTotalSUPPORT AND REVENUE SUPPORT AND REVENUEPrivate donor funding $-$92,540$92,540Private donor funding $-$3,500$3,500 Member-investor support .275,925 - 275,925Member-investor support .313,910 10,500 324,410 In-kind support from related party .380,152 - 380,152In-kind support from related party 425,822 - 425,822 In-kind support from unrelated party .- - -In-kind support from unrelated party 775,000 - 775,000 Loan fees .595,026 - 595,026Loan fees .787,080 - 787,080 Interest income .41,462 - 41,462Interest income 38,300 - 38,300 Recovery of bad debt -Recovery of bad debt 9,067- 9,067 Net assets released from restrictions .8,000 (8,000)-Net assets released from restrictions 12,500 (12,500)- Other income 144,475 - 144,475Other income 15,929 - 15,929Total support and revenue .1,445,041 84,540 1,529,581 Total support and revenue .2,377,608 1,500 2,379,108 EXPENSES EXPENSESProgram expenses Program expensesBusiness recruitment and retention .194,310 - 194,310Business recruitment and retention 229,680 - 229,680 Business Development and Outreach .111,132 - 111,132Workforce Development 67,563 - 67,563 Workforce Development .219 - 219R31 447,744 - 447,744 R31 5,921 - 5,921Member-investor relations 692,850 - 692,850 Member-investor relations .172,673 - 172,673Business financing 947,588 - 947,588 Business financing 664,841 - 664,841 Total program expenses .2,385,425 - 2,385,425Total program expenses 1,149,096 - 1,149,096General and administrative 474,000 - 474,000 General and administrative .250,023 - 250,023 Total operating expenses .2,859,425 - 2,859,425Total operating expenses .1,399,119 - 1,399,119Change in net assets .(481,817) 1,500 (480,317)Change in net assets .45,92284,540 130,462 Net assets, beginning of year .3,171,630 48,263 3,219,893Net assets, beginning of year 2,689,813 49,763 2,739,576 Net assets, end of year $2,689,813$49,763$2,739,576 Net assets, end of year $2,735,735$134,303$2,870,038 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement.The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement.ANNUAL REPORT2021 14'